Saturday, January 24, 2009


I have never believed in blogging. Let’s say in the past when we were little as kids, most girls do keep a diary. I’m not too sure about boys. I only remembered myself trying to hard just to hide my diary in a place where my parents and my siblings would not be able to find. And I was so angry whenever my younger brother read my diary and told my parents. In the end, I no longer kept a diary. But it just feels weird as if you have totally put your own private diary to the whole of public ever since blogging came out. And maybe the other reason being my life is boring which only revolves around school work and dance so I do not wish to bore the rest of my friends with all my boring posts. Even the online blog I have is only available to myself. But nonetheless, this is my first time making a blog public and do leave any comments or advice that you wish too. I am starting to look at blogging in a totally different new light and similarly, I wish to learn your experiences and your thoughts from the rest of you through this ES2007S blogging experience. Happy Chinese New Year everyone by the way!

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